an gif of a cursor hovering over what appears to be a bar code but as it hovers over the bar code it reveals the words Feed Me Your Cars Cribs Yachts Make Me Consume. The gif stops before we see the rest of the message.

Feed Me, 2022

a photo of a red brick wall with red brick or wooden objects that cast a shadow almost resembling a fleur-de-lys. In front of the wall, street sign with two roads is partially obscured by the red paint becuase the painters did not take care to keep the signs pristine. Now the signs disappear into the background, made unimportant by neglect.

Forget Me Not xx BX, 2022

an gif of a cursor hovering over what appears to be a bar code but as it hovers over the bar code it reveals the words Feed Me Your Cars Cribs Yachts Make Me Consume. The gif stops before we see the rest of the message.

For My Parents, 2022